티스토리 뷰


1. 유저 생성하기

  1-1 모든 권한 부여하기


CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'prod_recipe'@'localhost'


  1-2 특정 DML만 부여하기


grant select on dev_recipe.* to 'dev_recipe'@'localhost';
grant insert on dev_recipe.* to 'dev_recipe'@'localhost';
grant delete on dev_recipe.* to 'dev_recipe'@'localhost';
grant update on dev_recipe.* to 'dev_recipe'@'localhost';
grant select on prod_recipe.* to 'prod_recipe'@'localhost';
grant insert on prod_recipe.* to 'prod_recipe'@'localhost';
grant delete on prod_recipe.* to 'prod_recipe'@'localhost';
grant update on prod_recipe.* to 'prod_recipe'@'localhost';



2. 테이블 변경하기

  2-1 PASSENGER 테이블의 first_name 컬럼을 varchar(200) 타입으로 변경


ALTER TABLE passenger MODIFY COLUMN first_name varchar(200)


3. 생서된 유저검색하기


select * from mysql.user where user like '%clinic%'

